lundi 30 août 2010

An attempt to challenge Donn

Okay, he is actually doing better at mushroom hunting than I do... As an excuse, I should say that I have a full time job (but not for long anymore...), and he is only writing his PhD! ;o)

6 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

...that will be why he has the extra time to hold his camera still when he takes photos of his mushrooms so they don't come out all blurry :-)

You got a pretty good crop though.

Romaric a dit…

Hehe, you are right Dion! We are planning with Donn some mushroom hunting when you guys come over, so you can teach me how to take good pictures! ;o)

Anonyme a dit…

What are to the right of the agaricus? Are they chanterelles as well?


Romaric a dit…

They are "pieds de mouton"... Don't know the name in English...

Anonyme a dit…

Ah, yes. I thought they were cantherellus ferruginascens, which we've been finding a lot of recently.

Peid de mouton in English is called hedgehog mushroom.


Anonyme a dit…

I meant cantharellus.
