The place: Chianale, in the Italian side of the Queyras mountains
The actors: Jerome&Gaelle, Etienne, Denis, Murielle, Emilie, and me!
Not much to say: brilliant weather for the 4 days, perfect terrain for ski touring, good snow for snowboarding (not that good for skiing, apparently...). And best of the best, our accomodation: the most welcoming bed&breakfast ever, with excellent Italian food, and the friendliest landlady you can imagine. And it's even cheap! I highly recommend to stay there if you are in the region, ask me the address if you need.
The negative point was (thanks to Titi ;-) ) the illness of a couple of people, which was a real shame... I guess it's a good reason to come back there sometime in spring, when the snow conditions would be perfect!
Thats all for now!

4 commentaires:
What did Titi do to make people sick? I bet he didn't pee in anyone's water bottle at least.
Well, he was the fisrt one to be sick, that's why we blamed him! And you are disgusting Dion, peeing in a water bottle is disgusting...
Merci pour ces photos :-)
J'en ai mis d'autres sur
(G fait mon petit progres technologique en creant aussi un blog...)
Bises et a bientot,
Dion, I cannot pee into a bottle, one of our common friend made a "copyright" on that!
Thanks Romaric for the pictures, do you think it could be possible to download them? (what about our Grenoble's friends? any news?)
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