dimanche 26 octobre 2008

Rock Climbing with Blaise, May, and Noanne!

Sunday, I went in the Chablais region for some climbing, with Blaise, May, and Noanne... OK, the last one didn't climb a lot (10 month year old), but she enjoyed the sunny day nonetheless, I think.

The tale of the day is Blaise's answer to a young boy questionning him:
Young boy: "Why is there is a cross on top of the crag?"
Blaise: "It's because Jesus made the first ascent of the grade 29 climb below it (...) When you see a cross at the top of something, it's because Jesus was the first one to climb it (bla bla bla)"

Saturday, I stayed in Fribourg's fog, and went climbing with Anneke at the Bridge of Perolles, next to my working place. Some people setted up some holds on 2 of the bridge pillars, making some long and very overhanging route under the arches of the bridge... There are even some multi-pitche routes!

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Jesus was never able to climb grade 29. Probably the climb was easier then, like a 22 or 23 but Jesus broke most of the good holds.