dimanche 26 octobre 2008

Rock Climbing with Blaise, May, and Noanne!

Sunday, I went in the Chablais region for some climbing, with Blaise, May, and Noanne... OK, the last one didn't climb a lot (10 month year old), but she enjoyed the sunny day nonetheless, I think.

The tale of the day is Blaise's answer to a young boy questionning him:
Young boy: "Why is there is a cross on top of the crag?"
Blaise: "It's because Jesus made the first ascent of the grade 29 climb below it (...) When you see a cross at the top of something, it's because Jesus was the first one to climb it (bla bla bla)"

Saturday, I stayed in Fribourg's fog, and went climbing with Anneke at the Bridge of Perolles, next to my working place. Some people setted up some holds on 2 of the bridge pillars, making some long and very overhanging route under the arches of the bridge... There are even some multi-pitche routes!

lundi 20 octobre 2008

Chamonix with Donn, Jen and David

So, what did I do last WE... I went to Chamonix, hehe! On Saturday, we did some good mountain biking at Le Tour, it was a great day. We got quite tired with Donn because of some extras... Sunday was a sort of a disaster, as we didn't manage to find the rock climbing crag (we didn't even try, I'm deeply ashamed...), and went hiking with Jen and David. But was good also: the weather was so sunny that all my pictures are crap... I should get some sort of polarizing for my digital camera, if it exists for compacts...

In between, we stayed at David's place, and I can tell he is a lucky bastard to have a place there... Here are a couple of pics from his front door (with the handsome boy Donn Morrison):

PS: sorry Travis and Francis, I didn't get any naked pics of my 2 lovely workmates... Maybe later ;)

mardi 14 octobre 2008

Work stuff, and climbing

Here are two pics of my news toys... Pretty fancy stuff, you can feel that there his some money over there... They even put pretty cooling devices, with a butterfly shape!

As well, I went rock climbing during the WE, was sweet! We went to the Gastlosen with Oliver on Saturday, and I can tell you that is a world class place to climb, with everything from 1 to 15 pitch, on brilliant rock. Being too excited, I forgot to take pictures... You can have a few info on http://www.gastlosen.ch/.

We went climbing at Val d'Orvin ( in the Jura) on Sunday with Oliver and Anneke, the climbing wasn't that great, but it was still a fun day! Here is a pic of the 2 dudes:

samedi 4 octobre 2008

For my parents, and Dion!

Here are a couple of pics of my flat, which is confy, and from where you can see the mountains! Not too bad!

Look at the early snow! Yum!

Other yummy things, one of the most famous chocolate factory in Swizzy (Chocolat Villars), at 300m from my office...