jeudi 23 juin 2011

Spring is the seaons of...


7 commentaires:

Leslie et Etienne a dit…

Maybe you should bake something with so much flour...


Nice pics of spring flowers anyway !

Romaric a dit…

Ooops, corrected... I see that I still have much to improve about my English! :D

mustaghattack a dit…

You're such a french lover ;)

oli a dit…

you are such a girl ;o)

Romaric a dit…

Oli, I know, I have been told so many times... But I guess I have to live with it! :D

Anonyme a dit…

And where are the mushrooms? We already have chanterelles in the Chamonix valley. Are you not searching hard enough?

Last night I had an omelet of amanita crocea. I think it is one of the tastiest amanitas I've tried yet. Very much a nutty flavour.


Romaric a dit…

The weather has been to good (i.e. dry) for mushrooms in Catalunya... Hopefully some summer thunderstorms will help a bit!