mardi 12 avril 2011

An happy Kangoo

What makes a Kangoo* a good life? Driving a lot of course and seeing friends are good starting points. The blue Kangoo had its share of good things on the way down to Barcelona, an excellent trip for him in any cases!

Furthermore, it has to be know that the Kangoo really enjoys the presence of kids, the latter giving it back to him as they (my niece and nephew for instance) really like to play in it!

* a French mini-van from Renault

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Wow! That little red van in the first photo looks very cute and very happy. Wouldn't the children prefer to play in that?

Romaric a dit…

Dion, you are making the Kangoo crying by saying this! Thats quite nasty to say that to a car, you know... Please excuse yourself! But I have to agree that the little red minibus is cool as well, but DIFFERENT! :D

Travis a dit…

I don't know man, you could OWN Europe if you drove the standard US commuter car instead of that wind up toy: