mardi 22 décembre 2009

Pre-Xmas week end in Strasbourg

Here it is, my annual pilgrimage in Strasbourg in the pre-Xmas time, which is a good time to go there to enjoy the famous Christmas markets from Alsace. It is a good excuse as well to visit my sister and Sebastien, with their two babies. Aime, the youngest (2 month old), is still a bit young to enjoy the snow, but Armand really enjoyed it, despite of the cold weather... Indeed, when we visited the market of Obernai with Sebastien and Armand, the thermometer of the car was indicating -20.5 Celsius! Not very serious to bring a 2 years old child... But he survived, so I guess its alright...

lundi 14 décembre 2009

Donn* will like this picture!

A pound of chocolate for who guesses what is this picture about! I will answer questions by yes or no.

* sorry Donn, you are not in the game as you know what it is!

Pumpkin fondue

Winter is there, eventually. This means eating reasonably often cheese fondue! Fribourg is very famous for its fondue, and the people here are very proud of it! As it would be the case in New Zealand, where Fribourg would be self-proclaimed the cheese fondue world capital!

Here are a couple of pics of some pumpkin fondue action, and of an happy man! ;o)

mercredi 2 décembre 2009

New camera test!

A couple of weeks ago, we went again "mushroom" hunting with Donn&Jen, above Montreux. It was a good occasion to try out my new digital camera, a Panasonic Lumix LX3. I still have to learn how to use it properly, but that should come with time, I hope!