mardi 11 novembre 2008

Partying WE with my friends from the St-Etienne school, in Allier

OK, last week end was a rather tough one for me, catching back with (many) friends from St-Etienne! It was a great WE, with a lot of good food, and (way too much) good drinks... They are still fit on alcohol and talking shit, I tell you! Got pretty tired actually... Luckily, the pretty and quiet surroundings were a perfect place for recovery walks!

As physically, it was mentally tough as well, with these many children around, I felt like I missed something... Am I old already??? Look at this friendly goat, laughing at me...

1 commentaire:

Travis Holman a dit…

No, you didn't miss anything. Remember all of your illegitimate children you left back here in NZ?